Gwen and Vincents Benefit Overpayment Debt
We were terrified that we could go to prison
Gwen and Vincent contacted us after receiving a letter of court action. As parents to four children they were claiming Working Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit but they had been overpaid by £8,450.00 due to incorrect information on their initial claim form. The couple were understandably very anxious and concerned as they could not afford to repay the debt and were terrified that they would go to prison.
We were able to assist Gwen and Vincent by writing to the HMRC, explaining their financial situation and requesting a pause on any further legal action. We also worked with Gwen and Vincent to prepare a financial statement and letter of appeal which we sent to the HMRC asking them to reconsider their decision on the clients’ debt and proposing a resolution of a monthly repayment of £23.
The proposal was accepted and Gwen and Vincent were very relieved to be able to manage the debt and be free of the worry and uncertainty that it had cast over their lives.