On Thursday 9th September, we opened a new Debt Free London advice centre in the heart of Havering. Debt Free London's Havering advice centre is open to all members of the public seeking free, expert debt advice.
A growing number of Londoners are facing the challenges of problem debt and financial insecurity. In order to better reach and support those in need of free, expert debt advice, Debt Free London has opened a new advice centre in Havering.
Based in the beautiful surroundings of MyPlace Youth & Community Centre, our new advice centre is open and fully operational as of Thursday 9th September.
The Advice Centre is open to the public Monday to Friday, 10.00 to 17.00.
If you have money worries, our trained and accredited advisors are here to help.
Debt Free London is a unique partnership of charities led by Toynbee Hall and funded by the Money and Pensions Service, that provides free, expert advice to Londoners with problem debt.