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At Debt Free Advice, we are committed to providing you with the best possible service. If you feel that you haven't received the service you expected, we want you to tell us. This helps us improve our service and ensures that this is less likely to happen again.

We recommend that in the first instance you speak directly to the member of staff you have been in contact with. After this, if you feel that the situation is not resolved, please ask at reception to speak to one of our managers about the issue.


Making a formal complaint

If you are not able to resolve the issue with a manager you can put in a formal written complaint by putting your complaint in a letter. Please tell us the reason for the complaint and how you would like to see it resolved. Please then:

  • post the letter to us at FREEPOST Debt Free Advice
  • email us at

We aim to acknowledge receipt of your complaint in three working days and respond within 21 working days.



In order to fully investigate your complaint, we may have to speak to other members of staff or volunteers to find our more information. However, your complaint will be dealt with in a confidential manner at all times.


Withdrawal or exclusion from services

Our staff work hard to give advice and support to all of our service users. Unfortunately, however, there are some circumstances where managers feel that they have no alternative but to withdraw the service from a service user or exclude a service user from the organisation.